You are a fantastic trainer. Not only do you explain things extremely well, you search out solutions to the tough questions. You are very tuned in to me. You have that something extra that makes our time together absolutely beneficial.
I never could have gotten this from a book!
You are very well organized and present information in a logical way at my speed of understanding.
You are terrific — knowledgeable, helpful, intelligent, compassionate, and patient. You are the best!
You are fantastic. Thank you for your expertise.
You do such a good job of listening, teaching and just being in tune with me. I always learn so much and enjoy doing it.
You are a master tutor. You are skilled and highly knowledgeable in conveying the information I am seeking.
Your content knowledge is thorough and the talent you display in training is of the highest professional level.
You are a born teacher!!
No matter what I need help with, you can always figure it out. You are awesome!
You are a joy to work with. You are so knowledgeable and focused on what I want to know.
We still can’t get over how much you know about everything Apple.
You are especially good at explaining the processes and listening to my questions.
You are a great trainer — very patient and knowledgeable.
You are a fount of information. You always seem calm and can handle whatever question I ask or need answers to.